Build and Inspire Confidence

Develop sharp Social Skills to feel confident and accomplished , this sets the extraordinary apart from the ordinary by being gracious, mindful, thoughtful and smart.

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Tween Etiquette Classes Tulsa

Tween Etiquette

Graciousness is all about how we interact with and treat others and that includes how we communicate with others.  The way we choose to communicate, tells others a great deal about how we view ourselves and how we value or fail to value them.

What Your Child Learns
Teen Etiquette Classes

Teen Etiquette

We teach your child what to do to make a great first impression, positive communication skills, being gracious and thoughtful and exuding confidence through positive body language.  Making friends in a larger environment takes skill.  Give your child the confidence to succeed.

Teen Classes
Etiquette Classes for Executives

One on One Coaching

Coaching to polish your presence for everyday interactions, networking or for a special occasion,  Susans One on One etiquette coaching for executives and individuals.

Etiquette Coach
etiquette for school kids in tulsa

Etiquette Classes in Tulsa

Classes  for Public or Private School Growing Kids

Etiquette is about building confidence and skills, giving your children the ability and opportunity to succeed and get ahead in life.  As parents today in this increasingly global society we want only the best for our children’s future and what better way to start this is with Good Manners!  

When many people hear the word “etiquette” they think of stuffy and outdated traditions. Etiquette is not a set of stiff rules it is good manners and common sense.

There is a saying “once you learn to ride a bike, you never forget”, the same goes with good manners.   First impressions are lasting impressions and we have designed programs to give adolescents the social skills necessary to help them mature into confident and self-assured adults.

The programs are specifically designed to help growing kids, 10 to 17 years of age, develop the manners and etiquette skills that will carry them through life. All clases are highly interactive and fun. These skills are in harmony with the growing emphasis on character education and positive self-esteem.

Etiquette classes for growing kids teens tulsa

Table Etiquette for Kids

These classes are important for growing kids.  In todays fast paced society, people are frequently eating on the run.  Many families no longer have a sit down meal where all family members are seated at the same time.  

As your child matures and attends social events from birthday parties to social gatherings, to formal dates and weddings; they will have the skills to be well regarded.  Dining etiquette is learned at a table of their peers in a dining setting.  

As a parent we all know the anguish our children feel when others children mock them and (as children will do).  Your child will develop the social grace that will help set them up for the respect of their peers.

Build and Inspire Confidence

Develop sharp Social Skills to feel confident and accomplished , this sets the extraordinary apart from the ordinary by being gracious, mindful, thoughtful and smart.

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